Sunday, January 25, 2009

stationary evolution

I love being apart of other people's "happy" times. 99.9% of what I create for others is to announce something pretty awesome- showers, a wedding, a baby being born. The really great clients come to me for ALL these events! So here it goes- let me show you the evolution of Marc and Amy's happy times... Yes, you'll notice that Marc and Amy don't waste any time. Big things are happening people!

Save the date: completed 12/07

Wedding invitation: wedding date 3/29/08

This one's a little hard to see, but it's their Baby Shower invitation.
It's titled, "Come hang out with us". Their nursery is monkey/ jungle themed.
Baby Shower: 12/07/08

And ladies and gentlemen... introducing the beautiful Jackson James Vassallo!!

Jackson James
Born: 01/22/09

Baby announcement to follow...
stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. that is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! must have gorgeous parents! oh and nice work on their invites and such, very classy
