Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rock n' Roll wedding invitations

I was listening to the 'BS Report' the other day, Bill Simmons's podcast, and his guest was writer Chuck Klosterman. Simmons usually mixes in a lot of pop culture with his sports writing, and Klosterman writes about sports a lot for a music and pop culture writer, so I figured it would be a pretty entertaining listen. At one point they compared the relationship between Patrick Ewing and Hakeem Olajuwan's NBA careers to the relationship between Motely Crue's "Dr. Feelgood" and Guns N' Roses's "Appetite for Destruction", so yeah I'd say it was entertaining.

So you are probably thinking "what does the Sportsguy's podcast have to do with wedding invitations?" Well it just so happens that Chuck Klosterman mentioned at the end of the podcast that he was engaged. This was kind of surprising news since he once wrote..... "No woman will ever satisfy me. I know that now, and I would never try to deny it. But this is actually okay, because I will never satisfy a woman either." Maybe he was wrong, maybe not, but I know how to make one part of this wedding satisfying to Mr. Klosterman.....Spilled Ink Press needs to do his wedding invitations! I'm telling you, we are perfect for this couple. Sure our invitations are nice and classy and beautiful and all that, but our greeting cards are an entirely different story. They are cynical and sarcastic, and a lot of them have skulls. I can't think of a better client to combine our invitation style with our greeting card style than Chuck Klosterman.

For example, take a look at our "Have a Rockin' Marriage" card...

Now take a look at the cover of "Appetite for Destruction", the classic album from Klosterman's heroes Guns N' Roses.....

Now picture a similar aesthetic on an invitation like this one....

It would be perfect! How can Spilled Ink Press not do Chuck Klosterman's wedding invitations? This has to happen. Chuck, if you are reading this, send me an email. Let's talk invites, man to man.

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